



ALINE KHIEU, UX/UI Designer, Graphic designer & Visual Artist, Paris & Cormeilles (27).

Photo de présentation de Aline Khieu, Webdesigneuse du Studio Ekani

I am a polymorphic creator who moves with passion through the spheres of design and art in general.

I utilize a diverse palette of mediums — ink, sculpture, photography, and more — to express my unique vision of the world. My insatiable curiosity and desire for exploration have shaped my creative journey, guiding me to create a universe rich in personality and experiences.

My branching thought process leads me through a flow of ideas, allowing me to approach each concept fluidly and naturally, thereby opening doors to innovative creative perspectives.

My divergent vision is the essence of my creativity. It drives me to go beyond conventions, resulting in unique and memorable user experiences that stand out for their originality and relevance.




Maquette de webdesign
Figma, Adobe XD, Miro Board, Trello
    • UX/UI Design
    • Web Design
    • Wireframes
    • Prototypes
    • Responsive Design
    • Mobile Optimization
    • Web Optimization


Création de site internet, Studio Ekani webdesigner
Site, Landing Page, E-commerce
    • Design using CMS or HTML5/CSS3 language
    • Website Redesign
    • Front-End Development
    • Website Indexing
    • Updates, Website Maintenance
    • Email
    • Internet Hosting
    • Domain Name


Graphisme, Identité visuelle par Studio Ekani
Brand Identity, DNA, Content Design, UX Writing
      • Artistic Direction
      • Visual Identity
      • Graphic Charter
      • Corporate Branding
      • Brand Strategy
      • Content Design
      • Web Copywriting


affiche studio ekani
Desktop Publishing (DTP) Graphic Design
  • Illustration, Drawing
  • Corporate Brochures
  • Letterhead
  • Posters, Banners
  • Image Compression
  • Image Conversion


Edition photo & montage vidéo, graphiste Paris
Photo Editing, Video Editing
    • Photo Editing
    • Photography
    • Storyboarding
    • Video Editing
    • Animated Visual Effects
    • Media Optimization
    • Visual Content Creation


Home stagging studio ekani
3D Modeling
    • Home Staging
    • 3D Illustration
    • 3D Drawing
    • Animated Video
    • 3D Animation
    • Digital Sculpture
    • Virtual Modeling 

Contact me now to discuss your
Design, Website Creation, and Graphic Design needs in Paris & Cormeilles (27)


How to forge a unique digital identity ?

Visual Identity

UX Writing

Digital Accessibility

Responsible Design

identité visuelle ifu, par studio ekani webdesign et graphiste à Paris
identité visuelle ifu, par studio ekani webdesign et graphiste à Paris

Visual Identity for IFU CAFET


And what if, every time you leave an indelible footprint ?

A LOGO, is the soul of your brand at a glance. It’s that little spark that makes people say ‘Ah, I know this brand!’ and inspires trust.

COLORS, are the individual story of each hue. Blue symbolizes trust, while red resonates with passion. Shapes also have their narratives: gentle curves evoke friendliness, sharp lines suggest efficiency.

TYPOGRAPHY, is the voice of your brand. It can be bold, subtle, friendly, or formal. Choosing the right typography is choosing the right tone to communicate with your audience.

A FAVICON, is that small symbol in the browser tab. It acts as a signature, a subtle reminder of your presence even when you’re not in the spotlight.

VISUAL IDENTITY, It’s the cohesive ensemble.

It’s like your favorite outfit: the colors, patterns, and style all speak about who you are and what you want to convey to the world.

It’s this identity that makes you stand out in a crowd, creating a special connection with those who discover your brand.


In the world of digital design, words play a crucial role just like visuals.

Internet users quickly decide whether to stay on a website or leave. Clear, engaging textual content that aligns with visitors’ searches is essential for a successful online experience.

UX Writing

UX Writing is the creation of textual content that is not only tailored but also an authentic reflection of your brand’s identity. Every word is chosen and crafted to guide and captivate the user, making each interaction with your website or application more intuitive and enriching.

It’s an approach that aims to align your brand’s language with the needs and expectations of your audience while remaining true to your core values.

This synergy between content and design not only enhances user accessibility and engagement but also strengthens your brand’s identity and impact in the digital world.

Copywriting, the profession.

Copywriting is a profession in the field of communication and marketing. Copywriters, often called advertising writers or copywriter-concept creators, have the mission of creating impactful and creative texts, slogans, and advertising messages to promote a product, service, or brand.

Their work involves coming up with original ideas, playing with words, creating engaging narratives, and conveying persuasive messages. They work closely with graphic designers, art directors, and other marketing professionals to design comprehensive advertising campaigns.

Copywriters need to have a strong command of language, be creative, and have a deep understanding of the psychology of persuasion. They must also be able to adapt to different media, from print ads to online advertising and social media.

In summary, copywriting is a profession focused on creating impactful and persuasive textual content in the context of advertising and marketing.

And SEO in all of this ?

High-quality, well-written, and SEO-optimized texts are crucial for your visibility and positioning.

Spelling or grammar mistakes, as well as awkward phrasing, can, on the contrary, push you down in search engines, in addition to tarnishing your image with your readers.

So, using content design services means giving yourself the opportunity to focus on your real core business, knowing that your communication is in good hands.

Examples of texts for Vanessa Silvera, Photographer in Paris

UX Writing, content design par le Studio Ekani Paris


Digital accessibility is a central pillar of my design approach. It ensures that every person, regardless of their needs or abilities, can easily access information and online services.

Taking into account various visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive abilities, I strive to create accessible websites, that provide an equitable and welcoming user experience.


I am deeply committed to responsible design, aware of the environmental impact of our design choices.

As a designer, it is my responsibility to adopt sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices to the best of my ability…

1. I use solar energy to power my electronic devices whenever possible. To do this, I have equipped myself with several solar panels and a generator.

2. I advocate for an eco-friendly web hosting service whenever possible. These platforms utilize renewable energy sources, thus helping to minimize the environmental impact of the digital world.

3. Creating Energy-Efficient Designs.
I make an effort to design web layouts that are not only aesthetically appealing but also efficient and low-energy. This involves optimizing images, minimizing code, and utilizing advanced programming techniques to reduce website loading times, thereby reducing their overall energy consumption.


Creation process

1. Research

Imagine me as a detective delving into the world of your brand.

I delve into the depths to grasp the essence of who you are, what fuels your passion, and what resonates with your audience.

It’s like gathering the pieces of a puzzle—your story, your industry, your customers—so that everything comes together in the final design.

2. Brainstorming/ Mindmapping

Here we are at the crucial stage: Mind Mapping.

This is where your visions and my inspirations come into symbiosis. Armed with everything I’ve learned about you.

In this phase, I think, I ponder, I organize my thoughts. My creativity is multiplied. Here, everything becomes possible. Your ideas, your suggestions, and mine merge to fuel this creative process.

3. Concept Development

This is the moment when ideas begin to take shape.

I draw/design, I create. I experiment.

I transform my brainstorming into tangible visual representations.

Every line, every color, every shape is an attempt to materialize your essence.

4. Revelation

Here we are at the culmination of our creative collaboration.

This moment is exhilarating, akin to discovering a story where you are the hero or heroine.

It’s essential to remember that some reservation or hesitation towards the initial drafts, be it for a logo or any other design element, is perfectly natural.

These creations are the result of thoughtful consideration, incorporating principles of graphic design, marketing, and UX design.

It’s paramount that you feel fully aligned with the final choice, so that your brand unfolds authentically and brilliantly.

5. Refinement

Your feedback is vital. After all, it’s about your brand, your story, so your impressions and feelings are paramount. Together, we will fine-tune the concepts, refine the details, within the agreed-upon back-and-forth framework.

6. Finalization

We’ve reached it, the key moment! Your project is ready to burst into the world.

This moment marks the climax of our creative journey.

It’s the culmination of our creative adventure, a visual that speaks, breathes, and tells your story to the world.

Contact me now to discuss your
Design, Website Creation, and Graphic Design needs in Paris & Cormeilles (27)


What they say about me

Each visual leaves its indelible mark.

Listen to what others have to say about my work in:
Web Design, Website, Graphic Design


Témoignage des services webdesign Studio Ekani


Ready to make an indelible mark with your project?

Contact me to discuss your needs in en Design, Webdesign, Website Creation, and Graphic Design, in Paris, Cormeilles (27) and/or remotely.

Profil de Aline Khieu, Studio Ekani, Webdesign Paris, sur Malt

Malt is a platform dedicated to freelancers, offering a secure and convenient space for establishing fruitful collaborations.

Whether it’s for web design, graphic design, visual identity creation, or 3D modeling needs, my presence on Malt ensures transparent and efficient project management, from the initial contact to the final delivery.

Discover my services and feel free to add my profile to your favorites for easier communication.

Logo du Studio Ekani, Webdesigner à Paris


Création Web & Print



Web Design
UI/UX Web Design
Web Design (Layout, Prototype)

Website Development
Integration (Code/CMS)

Graphic Design, 3D
3D Modeling
Photo Editing
Video Editing

Graphic Standards
Visual Identity


Responsible Design 


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